Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cilantro Dressing Recipe and link

I was pretty sure I had this recipe here already, but I cannot find it.

1 pack (1 oz) Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Mix (ignore directions on packet)
1C mayo
1/2 C buttermilk (or milk works, too)
1 lime
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
1/2 C roughly chopped cilantro
1/4 C green salsa*

Place milk, mayo, and ranch mix in a blender. Juice the lime in there too, you should get about 2T juice.
Toss in the garlic, cilantro and green salsa. Blend 'er up.
Sample it and add hot sauce to taste.

Make it several hours ahead of time to allow it to thicken.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Week 53, Day 1

LAST DAY!!!!!!!!

Breakfast: leftover oatmeal for Dai, Phyllis and I but it was all gone by the time Cress got up so she had fried eggs.

Lunch: Cress and Phyllis had the rest of the chicken salad on two of the remainng hambuirger buns.  Dai had the last of the turkey lunchmeat on the last hamburger bun.  I had leftover Garden of Eden salad, an atulfo mango (they looked good but probably need a couple days) and some (a lot) Cheez-its.

Dinner: Pot roast with carrots, onions and potatoes.  Salad with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber with feta and toasted pine nuts on the side.  Cream biscuits.  Martinelli's and blueberry ice-tea. Mini wienies with bacon and brown sugar as an appetizer.  The wienies were on sample at Costco and someone nearby suggested the bacon thing so we will try that.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Week 52, Day 7

Can you believe it?! Tomorrow is the last day of this!!  It was an interesting experience, but I am glad it is pretty much over.  I wonder if I will ever look back and find it fascinating.  Or maybe someone 100 years from now, "They ate what?!  Who in their  right mind would eat that?!"  What I am sure of is tat it is a good place to put a recipe that I want to hand on down or to which I want easy access, but I will just put them in my regular blog going forward.

Breakfast: oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins plus your choice of regular or almond milk.  Cress prefers almond milk.  I think the other two don't much care.  I definitely prefer cow milk, but almond is better than soy.

Lunch: Cressida and I had chicken salad.  Dai and Phyllis had BLTs.  Phyllis had a sliced apple.  The rest of us had a mandarin orange.  We all had a few Cheez-its.  (I am trying to go back to no sugar.)  I was planning to have a BLT, also, but I burned the last few pieces of bacon and it was already going to be light on the bacon so I had leftover chicken salad.  We used church sourdough bread.

As a kid I remember thinking that people who froze bread were even poorer than we.  Now, I love freezing bread.  My kids' sandwiches are thawed by lunchtime.  If we sandwiches eat at home they are just toasted, either lightly or a lot depending on the kid.  Cressida really prefers not toasted.  She reminded me, "Mom, next time can you remember I don't like toasted bread for my sandwiches?"  I told her it was either toasted or frozen.

I love freezing bread because it lasts forever.  Yesterday, Lucky had bread on clearance.  I am sure it was close to its expiry date.  It was a good brand and cracked wheat or wheat berry and white hamburger buns. We are having hamburger buns tonight since I think they probably need to be used quickly (which means beef two nights in a row plus I plan to do a roast tomorrow!) but I just tossed all the sandwich bread in the freezer and I know it will last until the day that it is pulled out to be used.

Dinner: Hamburgers, pan fried rather than grilled because we still need propane. Beans and cornbread.  I tried a different recipe and used bacon fat in it - fresh from lunch.  That means you really cut down the salt that goes in the beans, so they were a bit salty.  Cress and Phyllis didn't eat theirs.  We are letting the rest sit overnight with potatoes to remove the salt so Jason can take them and the rest of the cornbread for lunch tomorrow.  We also had canned green beans.

I made it without sugar.  I did have four dates after dinner.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 52, Day 6

Breakfast: eggs and toast.  Jason got up and left early so he had cereal at work like usual.

Lunch:  I made chicken salad sandwiches for Kaitlyn, Dai and I.  Phyllis had her Cup'o'Noodles from Heather Castro and Cress had her microwaveable mac'n'cheese, also from Heather.  we cut up some apples and had Cheez-its, too.

Dinner: Two New York steaks, total precooked weight 1.25 pounds.  We were out of propane so we did them on the stove top.  We also had roasted butternut squash, sautéed mushrooms and Garden of Eden salad with it.

Jason got a cookbook called "Eat the Bible" for Christmas.  It has some recipes and some questions and scriptures and other stuff.  He thought that would be a good ready made FHE.  So, tonight, with much pleasure, we chopped, diced and sauteed together.  I had pre-cooked the wheat.  Hopefully we will do that often and try some new foods.  It is almost enough to make me sad I won't be doing this anymore next year.  Almost, but not quite.  I can always reference anything particularly memorable.   

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 52, Day 4

Breakfast: cold cereal and bananas at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Lunch: We ate at Del Taco in Sacarmento after attending my brother's ward before heading home.

Dinner: Eggs and toast for Dai, Phyllis and I.  Jason and Cress had bean and rice burritos.  

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Week 52, day 4 - at Grandma and Grandpa Hansen's

breakfast: cold cereal with almond milk and hot chocolate for the girls. To be fair, I think grandma and grandpa have made them hot chocolate every day we have been here. I actually did not eat because it was almond or soy milk only. Well, I had some raisinettes and Pero.

Lunch: I realized it was lunch time and figured Granada was a bit frazzled so I made chicken noodle soup out of a can for phyllis and Kraft macaroni and cheese and green beans for lunch. I think Grandma Lisa didn't eat, but Larry did plus our family.

Dinner: hamburgers grilled by Larry. We had brought some produce that would have gone bad in our fridge if we had not brought it. One of these was Brussels sprouts and another was fresh cranberries. We made roasted Brussels sprouts that used the cranberries, maple syrup and some walnuts. The girls found walnut and pecan trees on our dog walk and cracked them for us when they got home. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Week 52, day 3 - at Grandma and Grandpa Hansen's

Breakfast: Larry made pancakes because the girls requested it and we are the leftover egg muffins because Lisa didn't want pancakes to mean the leftovers stayed there.

Lunch: Jason, Daitarih, Phyllis and I ate at a taqueria in Yuba city after our movie. Then we went to a little homemade ice cream place for dessert. Cressida stayed here with grandpa and he took her to Jack in the Box for lunch.

Dinner: leftovers from the taqueria, Jack in the Box and what was in the fridge. Very unorganized and eating was done in their own schedule.