Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 6, Day 7

This is partly enjoyable and partly a chore - every single day....  I am debating if I will combine it with what my regular blog or publish separately.  Will it import them in date order or by blog title?

Breakfast: burritos - the last of our eggs

Lunch: Cress took leftover stroganoff - the last of it - but she didn't eat the meat.  I do not know exactly what Jason packed the girls because it was my day to drive and he will be home very late tonight. Phyllis had volleyball today right after school, so I packed her a chicken sandwich and i know Jason took her a granola bar from work.  (Yes, she had lunch at school and ate dinner when she got home.)

Dinner: Taco salad.  I started the beans last night.  I used to soak my beans and sometimes even sprout them.  Now I usually don't even soak them - I do love my electric pressure cooker but it has made me a bit lazy.  Jason didn't eat with us so I just did half a can of olives and one head of lettuce.  Even still ,we finished it all before Phyllis got home - so she had leftover mashed potatoes and when those were gone she had leftover rice and beans.

I went to put rice in the pressure cooker so we could have it for breakfast, but we had only maybe half a cup left.  So, I ground wheat instead and we will have cracked wheat cereal.  It is yummy.  As an experiment, I also ground the little bit of brown rice, so some of that is mixed in.  To make this cereal, you have to soak it overnight.  I get a lot of pleasure out of grinding the wheat and then manually sifting it.  So much of my work is done with convenience machines - even though we generally eat whole foods so this manual task is kind of nice.  Have I recorded the recipe we use?  It seems I have to look it up each time I want to make it - it is listed on the blog Safely Gathered In.


I also am cooking garbanzo beans.  I have intended to every night since Saturday so that I can make beaker soup again.  This time I did a delay start to let the beans soak.  It only is 8.5 hours - I hope that is enough since I didn't add extra time like I usually do for unsoaked beans.

I have done a meal plan the last two weeks, but not this week.  I kind of miss it.  

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