Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 4, Day 4

This morning we had leftover pancakes and applesauce.  Making sure to consume leftovers is a helpful part of making your food budget stretch.

The girls had PBJ's made with leftover pancakes in their lunch and half and apple, half a bell pepper and dried apples.  They also each had a Skittles in their lunch.  Phyllis did not finish.

Jason had leftover baked ziti for lunch along with two apples and some of his bread.  Cressida had leftover baked ziti and bread, too.  She had a Persian cucumber while we were shopping to round things out a bit. 

I had a baked potato with salsa and sour cream for lunch. 

For dinner we had black bean layers.  The girls like that pretty well and I can do most of it ahead of time.  Each girl had two eggs on their first bowl - which was pretty good sized.  Dai ate a second bowl with only one egg and Phyllis ate a second bowl with no eggs.

I also shopped and talked to Heather about groceries for while we are gone. 

Groceries so far:  $29.85 plus Del Taco of $8.76 for a total of $38.61

Lucky's: $6.36 for green chilies
Costco: $9.78 for milk (5.39) and sour cream (4.39)
Real Produce: $13.71
  • Cherry tomatoes $1.99
  • Onions 1.79 pounds (3 medium onions) for $.90
  • Beets 2.1 pounds for $2.08
  • Garlic 3 heads for 1.32
  • Persian Cucumbers 13 for $7.42
I also used my grocery money to buy Dai a new coat ($26.99 plus tax at Costco).  I found a decent one at Ross for $21.99 so I may make a swap.  I still need cream which will be another two or three dollars. 

I bought slightly less produce as I will not be here so Heather will have to cook it or if she doesn't it may go bad before we get back from Guatemala.

Heather said if she had the baked ziti recipe she would make hat, I also told her I had hamburger and chicken in the freezers.  She asked if we had rice or potatoes or mashed potato flakes.  We had the first two.  Dai will be responsible for making oatmeal for my kids while she is here.  Her kids will have cereal.  My kids are expected to pack their own lunches but I should make muffins before I go to make it easier.  So I will be under budget for this week (but need it for gas to Oakland) and will not do a menu.  I will make Beaker Soup tomorrow or Wednesday because I told Heather I would.  Jason started a loaf of rustic Italian last night.  He will stay up late to finish it tonight.  He started another to leave a fresh loaf for Heather.  We are setting the biga next to the fire to rise - warmest place in our house.  Currently it is 63F in the house.  We all have wool blankets on our beds (as well as other blankets).  We expect the heat will be on while Heather is here but we are, for ourselves, going as long as possible without it.  The fish all have water heaters.

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