Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week 2, Day 2

Breakfast: Cressida had leftover rice as cereal.  Jason and I had breakfast burritos.  He didn't make me a drink this morning.  Usually he makes me Roma.  We are out of cream so he had to do non-dairy creamer yesterday.  Could that be why?

Dai had half leftover rice and half leftover oatmeal - each with the correct fixings - but in one bowl. Then she had a bowl of applesauce.  It is the no sugar added commercial stuff Tess gave us when she moved, so I sprinkled cinnamon and sugar on it.  Dai said it was sweeter than homemade but not as good.  Oh, sweet girl.

Phyllis had oatmeal that I microwaved for her.  I definitely prefer stove top cooked, but the girls don't seem to mind microwaved.  Of course she had brown sugar and raisins.  We go through a lot of raisins in this house!

Lunch: Cress had peanut butter on saltines.  My girls love saltines - often choosing them over Ritz, etc. Though I rarely get crackers anymore, and when I do it is most likely saltines for in a pinch mornings when there is no bread.  She has mangoes, applesauce with cinnamon and sugar and an orange.

Dai and Phyllis have peanut butter on pancakes (I found the ones that had gone missing in the freezer) - Dai's with honey and Phyllis's plain.  Phyllis has celery sticks with balsamic, a carrot and applesauce like I did Dai's for breakfast.  Dai has a carrot, orange and applesauce.

Jason took leftover nuts sauce and macaroni and the remaining balsamic Brussels sprouts.

I need to remember to grab oranges and cheese for me for the bus ride home.

Snack: I made Oopsie bread - basically eggs and cream cheese.  The girls liked them pretty well - I thought they were ok.  Probably will not make again.

Dinner: Leftover nut pasta.  Dai complained because there wasn't a produce with it.  That's what she called it.  She asked if she could have an orange.  I said no.

Oh, yeah, also bought $6 worth of dishwasher soap - but it lasts a good long time.  

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