Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 3, Day 1

Breakfast: Rice cereal - except I had fried eggs later when I finally got to eat

Lunch: The girls had either peanut butter and jelly or chicken salad plus produce.  Still very low - carrots, oranges (the last) and dried mangoes.  Jason had burritos.  I had a chicken salad sandwich.

Dinner: Bacon and eggs.  Homemade lemonade.

I made scrambled eggs with sauteed onions and garlic (sauteed before adding) and goat cheese.  The goat cheese was fine to me, though a bit strong if you got the wrong bite, but no one else liked it.  Phyllis ate all of hers.  Dai ate half and Cress took a bite or two.  Each girl got toast from the last of the bread loaf.

We had already eaten when Jason got home because we had gym and Math Olympiads and stuff.  So, when Jason walked in he said something to the effect of smells good and I said, we shall see if you like it - the girls didn't.  He asked, "Eggs and bacon?" I said, "They're schmancy eggs."  Jason took a bite and you should have seen the look on his face.  I laughed and he said, "Thank you for making dinner."  Wasn't that nice?

While the bacon was thawing in hot water Cress asked why it was there and then said, "Oh, you're letting it raw."  I said, "Thaw."  New words - that is the natural way to learn words.  Then she asked if I knew bacon was pig - which I did and she wished she had a pig for a pet.  I told her I had a pig for a pet and it wasn't all that.  She asked if we made it into bacon.  I told her that we sold it to someone else who did that.  She seemed sad about that, but was okay when she thought I had?

I made bread today.  The last loaf was hard and dry.  Vital gluten, of which we have none, is out, but Jason says that loaf had the last of the vital gluten in it, so that doesn't explain dry.  He says maybe it is because it was made Sunday and whole wheat just dries out.  He has a hearth bread he will try because I really want to use whole wheat not half and half and I have a whole wheat bread recipe from a homesteading website I will try.

I did however, make a mixed loaf yesterday.  I didn't do it in the bread machine because it wasn't that kind of recipe.  We have thought that perhaps the bread machine isn't the best for whole wheat.  I do not mind making by hand - I just need a good recipe and some practice.

I also boiled some eggs and cut up celery for future use.  We are trying to regrow the celery base - we shall see how that goes.  Even if it doesn't work well, it will be a fun activity to watch.  I sued to regrow green onion - that was easy enough.

I did get shopping done.  Budget for this week is $140, of which I had to use $3 for parking at school because Dai wasn't feeling well.

Nob Hill:
Children's ibuprofen 5.97
(note: Dai and Phyllis both did adult ibuprofen yesterday quite well so that is good news)

Raisins 7.99
Eggs 6.89
Milk 6.29
Softener Salt 8.68
Cream Cheese 6.89
Celery 2.89
Cream 5.49
Lettuce 3.69
Mushrooms 4.39
Grape Tomatoes 5.99
Cucumbers 4.29

Whole Foods:
Roma 8.99
Vital Gluten 6.99

Spaghetti 2.29
Pickles 8.34
Frozen Spinach 2.36
Sandwich bags 1.44
Fabric Softener 4.19
Egg Noodles 1.96
Salt 0.65
Saltines 1.49
Klondike Bars 3.49
Frozen Peas 4.72
Frozen Corn 10.17
Tator tots 3.29
Cucumbers 1.00
Green Onions 0.48
Bacon 5.00
Coupon -10.00
Parsnips 7.00


Total 133.30

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