Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 4, Day 6

Breakfast: breakfast burritos all around.

All of the girls got showered this morning.  Usually the older girls alternate days.  Jason said to Phyllis, "If you're dressed within 10 minutes you can have an breakfast burrito - otherwise it's oatmeal for you." As she hurried out, he mused, "Not much of a threat when they love oatmeal."  I pointed out that the burrito was a carrot and the oatmeal not a stick.

However, I have noticed how my girls have gotten pickier and pickier.  Phyllis today didn't eat her broccoli and romanesco cauliflower at school because she had no mayonnaise to dip it in.  She ate it after school without - but really?  Cressida's mandarin orange was peeled and in a container but it was "too juicy" when she got it - "soggy."  Some handle it better, but still really?

Lunch: Ham for Cress and PBJ's for Phyllis.  On homemade bread - from whole wheat home ground flour and with the 1/3 cup vital gluten it is nearly as soft as white.  Yay!  Success.

Dinner:  Cobre valley casserole and salad with pine nuts and roasted eggplant.  The eggplant got done late though so only I ate it.

I also made chocolate chip cookies.  No one ever notices that they are made with whole wheat flour, which is wonderful.  I do try to grind it very fine and this time it was white hard wheat not red hard wheat.

It is funny; I wanted cookies and I knew I would have to make them.  I realized I would have to grind flour, but that didn't deter me.  For Jason, it is just enough to discourage him from baking and such.  

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