Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 4, Day 5

Breakfast: oatmeal with all the fixings - made on the stove top - I love it made on the stove top; less so when it is prepared in the microwave - just a different texture

Lunch: leftover potato and Persian split pea soup and 4 pot stickers per person.  We had a half bag or so left in the freezer.  Yesterday I did an organize, take stock and meal planning and decided we would have it for lunch.

Cressida got a bagel but there wasn't enough bread for all the children that line up at Sister Seamon's vehicle after church.  Cressida did break it up and share it.

Dinner:  BBQ'd hanger steak (not the BBQ needs a repair) and roasted onions, Brussels sprouts, turnips, parsnips and carrots, mashed potatoes (also found a partial box during my organizing last night) and salad with pine nuts (yes, I toast them.)  Dessert was shakes, again.  Cress didn't finish again.

Brussels sprouts, parsnips, and turnips were from the CSA.  Cleaning itty bitty Brussels sprouts from the CSA is not fun.  The girls aren't big fans of turnips and parsnips - but Jason had seconds of that, which was rewarding.

It looked so beautiful I wanted a picture - but apparently Jason though I was picturing only the spread.  Jason, said, "One of these things does not belong."  He meant the mashed potatoes because they were processed, but one of the kids suggested the beef because it didn't grow on a plant.  That worked, too.

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