Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week 2, Day 7

Breakfast: Cracked wheat but I ate the three remaining pumpkin pancakes with ketchup - more like potato pancakes made with pumpkin than traditional pancakes with pumpkin in them which we used to make a lot.  Cress is not a fan but Dai loves that cereal and I know it is healthy and we have a lot of wheat on hand.  I need to go to the bishop's storehouse soon.

Lunch: Dai and Phyllis took leftover spaghetti and meatballs plus a slice of bread and butter.  Dai took an orange, a carrot and some canned apricots.  Phyllis had leftover corn from last night and a carrot.   Cress had half a peanut butter and honey sandwich, an orange, the last little bit of celery with peanut butter for dipping and apricots.  She only likes the very inside of celery because the big stalks have more fibers and are hard for her to chew up.  She also wasn't pleased that her apricots got all mashed - like apricot sauce, but she did drink it anyway.  I am pretty low on produce right now but this Friday the CSA starts up again.

I ate all manner of stuff - a couple oranges, chips and salsa, cream cheese and jelly in a tortilla.

Jason took burritos.

Dinner: Bean burritos for Phyllis, Cress and Jason (at IVL) and chicken salad sandwiches for Dai and I.

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