Friday, July 11, 2014

Week 28, Day 3

Breakfast: grits, but unfortunately, I stirred them going in and set a time then went to go learn how to scan in a Family History tin print.  Well, apparently that made them lumpy.  There wasn't dry powder in the lumps (like lumpy cream of wheat when i as child), but still wasn't too popular with the kids.

Lunch: cress and phyllis had leftover black bean layers.  dai had pbj. i had beet wrap.  we all ha peaches.  also everyone had one reheated meatball.  heather gave them to us bc she accidentally bought the spci mango ones and her family weren't big fans. the girls like them - granted they had one at a time.  Cress said she would like it if it wasn't too spicy but when Phyllis offered to finish it she shut her down and ate it herself. i am glad my kids know what spicy is but don't let it be a detractor too much.

Dinner: leek potate soup.  CSA leeks, CSA potatoes. Same salad as last night.  CSA lettuce, CSA strawberries, CSA cherry tomatoes, plus goat cheese and toasted pine nuts.  Dai has decided she likes pine nuts after all.

Made another apricot cobbler for dessert.  Used Paula Deen's recipe and it is similar to mom's but more flour than sugar whereas my mom's calls for equal parts sugar nd flour.  Also, my mom's uses bang powder for rising and Paula Deen's uses self-rising flour - which I think it just flour with baking powder mixed in so we added baking flour.  

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