Sunday, July 20, 2014

Week 29, Day 5

Breakfast: Jason made eggs for everyone and either warmed corn tortillas or made toast for each.  He also sliced up the potato wedges I had done with pepper and onions and fried that mix for us, too.  and nectarines from Heather Castro.

Lunch: Jason and I had chicken salad sandwich on church bread.  Di had peanut butter and honey on her sourdough bread.  She seems to like it.  Cress had the green beans with white rice.  Phyllis had a tomato sandwich.

Dinner:  I made a casserole out of bread, zucchini, cheese and eggs.  It only had two eggs - so it isn't really an egg casserole.  We also had a salad with it.  One head of romaine, a head of CSA butter leaf lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, grape tomatoes.

Prep ahead: I made a zucchini carrot curry soup.  It is only okay.  I have made better but the best I ever had was what Ian, Elise's ex-boyfriend made us one time, off the top of his head - no recipe, which is too bad becuase it was the best I ever had.  Even after those two zucchini heavy meals, we have summer squash left.

I found a recipe for a chard rice soup.  But we have so much food right now and we leave Thursday, so we decided to can it.  But you are supposed to add the rice when you reheat it, not before you can it.  So we just cooked the chard in broth and then tried to pressure can that but the canner wouldn't seal.  We tried it again after adding oil to the rim and it did eventually seal.

I also started carrot fennel soup with the intention of canning that up to the point that the wild rice is added, but the chard took so long, we just put it in jars in the fridge to try again later.  

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