Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 28, Day 6

breakfast: Jason was super tired so he got up late so I made him breakfast.  I tried a new recipe - Edna May's Sour Cream pancakes.  Jason and I ate most of them but Daitarih got some (she got up first of the girls) and Phyllis got some (she got up second and there were only two left.)  So, Phyllis made more regular pancakes.  Mostly by herself.

Lunch: Jason is buying lunch today.  It is very unlike him (he usually takes what there is regardless) but he told me he didn't really care for leftover New England boiled dinner.  In fact, I don't think he loves it fresh either, but he eats it and doesn't complain.  Phyllis really loves that dinner - so that is nice.  Maybe I will make him beans to compensate for a less than awesome dinner last night.

Dinner: burritos.  I made 2 pounds worth of gringa beans so we would have plenty for the week as well.  We only had grape tomatoes but I split them in quarters and that worked just fine since they are added on.  I did have to go get lettuce.  I feel like all summer I have had too much lettuce and now all of a sudden - none.  Of course, I intentionally was using up what we had this past week because I felt like we had lettuce overload, so I guess that worked.  When we got lettuce (on foot) we also got ice-cream.  Actually, Daisy and I were on foot and the girls were all on skateboards.  On the way home, I sent Dai ahead with the bag (I had to pay for it because I forgot to bring one of my own!) so the ice-cream didn't melt.  I sliced up the rest of the CSA strawberries to go on top.  Dai doesn't like fruit with her ice-cream so she kind of divided her bowl.  We remembered FHE so that was our FHE treat/dessert.

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