Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Week 32, Day 7

breakfast: leftover pancakes given us by Heather Castro (but there were only four so we also did oatmeal and cut up the rest of the prunes

lunch: Phyllis, Cress and I ate Jack in the Box because we went from my yard duty training straight to Raging Waters.  But I got us all waters - even me.  Dai was already there because she went earlier with Heather.  They had pizza.  Jason ate with Hiral - no idea what.

dinner: leftover soup.  Kaitlyn Schwab ate with us and she had two bowls - man, I love feeding her!  Dai has a bunch of friends over - most are staying the night but some just stayed for a couple hours.  They made chocolate chip cookies.  Tara has the recipe memorized, but something didn't seem quite right because there was a lot of oil left in the bowl.  We also had ice-cream with chocolate syrup and whip cream.  It was homemade and they didn't complain but I over whipped it - that is what I get for reading while trying to make whipped cream.  

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