Thursday, June 26, 2014

Week 26, Day 2

Breakfast: hash browns, fried eggs, toast - we used up the last of the light rye and Cress had a piece of wheat bread toast instead

Lunch: Phyllis had leftover chicken salad on a toasted hamburger bun.  I am having goat cheese on crackers and the tiny bit of remaining chicken salad.  Cress was late to a birthday party (because I wrote the time down wrong) so she got nothing really for lunch.  Poor girls, from there she went straight to gym on only cake.  But Jason took her pickles when he went to pick her up from gym and then get the CSA - she'll probably eat from that, too

Dinner:  Baked ziti.  I was supposed to make pizza dough using the bread machine but the recipe called for bread flour - and I didn't feel like going to the store.  We also steamed a large zucchini that our neighbor, Steve Arnold, gave us from his daughter's garden.  Zucchini are sneaky,  They are huge plants with large leaves but you want to pick the fruit when it is small - and it is basically the same color as the leaves.  So, these occasional biggies are practically inevitable.  Jicama - it had been in the fridge for a few days.

For dessert we had leftover birthday cake from Heather Castro and ice-cream (ours.)

Prep Ahead: potatoes for camping.  Dai woke at 5:50 (she wakes when it is light) and went to peeling the potatoes.  I told her that she could in the morning but not to wake me before 6:30.  Then I helped her dice them and we boiled them and vacuum packed them and froze them for camping.

At Costco a couple of days ago, I saw shredded dried potatoes for sale and thought about how convenient that would be for camping - but I decided against it since I already had potatoes at home and aren't we trying to get away from additives?  Maybe they were just dried, but probably not.  I did buy bread though for this and the last trip - worth the convenience.

Also peeled and cut up some carrots.  Truthfully, Phyllis peeled them.  She asked, "How many?" I just said, "Keep going," and Dai said, "You know how we are - we'll eat any that don't fit in the container tonight."  True to their word, before I was even done cutting them they were snatching them up gratefully - which was good because I just barely fit the rest in the container.  

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