Breakfast: jason, CressidA and I had oatmeal. I had no milk but sometimes the kids and jason have used the rice milk. Jason prefers almond milk but Costco hasnt been carrying it for awhile so I got rice milk. He doesn't love it but he will use it. The older two girls day it tastes like rice cereal when made with white rice. Phyllis and Dai shsred dai's cereal again. Dai had done well at sharing that.
Lunch: Dai had a tamato sandwich (she is sick of pizza) and let me me out the last single Alice of turkey in it. The other two had pizza as did Jason and I. Cress and Dai had CSA Romanesco, half CSA bell pepper and a CSA apple. Phyllis had CSA romanesco, half a CSA bell pepper, and a carrot coins. No dessert since they had halloween parties today.
Dinner: cress, Phyllis and jason had pizza for dinner. I had a tomato sandwich. Dai thinks she didn't eat. Phyllis ate again when Ryan yacono's family got McDonald's while she was there. I let eac kid have three Halloween candies. Phhyllis had a few more at Ryan's so I didn't let her have any.
Lunch: Dai had a tamato sandwich (she is sick of pizza) and let me me out the last single Alice of turkey in it. The other two had pizza as did Jason and I. Cress and Dai had CSA Romanesco, half CSA bell pepper and a CSA apple. Phyllis had CSA romanesco, half a CSA bell pepper, and a carrot coins. No dessert since they had halloween parties today.
Dinner: cress, Phyllis and jason had pizza for dinner. I had a tomato sandwich. Dai thinks she didn't eat. Phyllis ate again when Ryan yacono's family got McDonald's while she was there. I let eac kid have three Halloween candies. Phhyllis had a few more at Ryan's so I didn't let her have any.