Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 40, Day 6

Breakfast: I had an egg sandwich on  church croissant.  Jason had a egg, cheese and bacon scramble on a croissant.  The girls had eggs and church sourdough toast.  We still have much church bread - so we will continue this general sandwich and toast idea.

Lunch:  PBH on homemade bread.  CSA bell peppers, CSA apples, and CSA carrots.;  Phyllis had a doctor's appointment so she and I went to Vietnamese.  I hope she eats her lunch (what she didn't eat for "snack) for after school snack.  Jason had a rice burrito

After school snack: apples

Dinner:  Turkey sandwiches with lettuce and CSA tomatoes.  We still have so much bread so it is going to be sandwiches for dinner every day this week.  I was able to give some to other people today - the most to Kim McWilliams, Gilly's mom.  Apparently her mom like rye bread and I had a whole loaf.  She was very excited about that.  I asked if she had freezer space because otherwise it doesn't last.  She said that she had some freezer space, and otherwise she could use it to offset the costs of feeding her chickens and turkey.  We also sent her home with eight apples.  Also with dinner we had CSA apples and CSA beets that we cooked earlier.  We did not reheat them or anything.  I let the girls have cupcakes for dessert.  Jason had to come pretty close to home to fill a prescription before his trip to India so he stopped in here to eat before leaving to coach at City Beach, his second job to which he usually goes directly from Riverbed.  Jason also had jalapeños on his sandwich and two apples but no beets because I hadn't figured that part out that early.

Prep Ahead: boiled eggs and sliced and froze church bread remainder

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