Thursday, October 2, 2014

Amusing Discussion with Jason About Cooking for Two

Today Jason worked from home for the first half of the day. He rode up to San Francisco to pick up his work visa for his trip to India after.  Hopefully it is done.  The status yesterday said "Ready for pick up in one business day."  This morning, the status had not changed, but he is assuming that means that it will be ready today.  They also said that they would send him an email when it was ready, but he hadn't received that when he left here for there.

We had lunch together.  I made some Mexican rice today and we had burritos.  I commented that the other day I was thinking about learning to cook only for two when all the kids are gone.  I asked him he had heard about the idea of cooking only once a week.  He said he had but had no idea why that would appeal to anyone.  I told him that I certainly did because some days I have tons of time to cook and other days I have none, so it would be great on those days to pull something out of the freezer and put it in the crock pot to reheat while I was out and about and still have dinner at ready at home. (Last Tuesday, for example.) I was telling him that I realized that I could probably just make beans once and be mostly done when the kids are gone.

This didn't please him, which surprised me.  He said, "I think we just learn to cook for two and then cook fresh food every night - like Indian and stuff."  I said it made no sense to make beans in small batches for only two.  He clarified.  He said that he would be happy eating burritos every day but he knew that I wouldn't.  I told him that I didn't really think learning to cook for two would be so hard.  I imagined it is hard if you make a lot of casseroles - which we don't.  So then we started talking about some of our dishes and how we could downsize them or if we would just plan to have leftovers.  He said, "You start with a few leaves of lettuce, and a half a cucumber and a tomato instead of a head of lettuce and a whole cucumber and several tomatoes."  I said that I didn't think a few leaves would be enough and maybe he should just eat more salad.  I told him that I didn't think half a head of lettuce was an unreasonable amount of salad.  He said, "But compared to now when you start with a head of lettuce."  I held up two fingers.  He said, "Really? Now I don't know how much we eat or how much I make!"  (Referring to his drastically understating his current wage when interviewing last year.)

This was very funny to me.  He used to do a lot of cooking, but mostly I do it now.  We also used to have the girls pack their own lunches, but mostly I have done it this year.  Jason usually does on my driving mornings, at least for the older two.

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