Saturday, May 17, 2014


I remember my mom making popsicles when I was a kid.  Usually we made Kool-Aid and used that for popsicles.  However, I keep popsicles around using fruit juices.  When we finish a jar of apricots, I freeze the juice into pops.  I had some leftover one day and just put it in the fridge because my popsicles were all full.  Later that day, I opened a can of pineapple and added that juice to the jar.  That night I notice I had some baby bananas that were past their prime, so I blended the juices with the bananas and stuck it back in the fridge.  I have been using that to make new ones when popsicles get eaten.  It is delicious.

Today, I opened a can of mandarin oranges for chicken salad and made a popsicle out that juice.  It is so easy, frugal and I am surprised my mother didn't do that, too.  I know we had lots of canned fruit, too, when I was a kid.  Of course, i think we only had one set of Tupperware popsicle makers and I pick up different varieties at thrift stores sometimes, so I have the Tupperware ones, the start ones, some push-up style ones and a set that has straws in bowl shaped lids to catch the drips.

Sometimes, I even take some canned apricots and blend the whole jar (less the pit, of course) and make a not totally smooth puree that I make into popsicles.  

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