Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week 35, Day 7

Breakfast: egg burritos and I had egg and roasted peppers - Jason had the same but in a burrito (he used the roasted peppers - hot and not hot both and it was really quite spicy. I ate it but don't want the hot ones in mine again.)

Lunch: for the kids - tomato sandwiches (tomatoes sliced but on the side to avoid soggy bread), kohlrabi, apples and cucumbers.  For Jason he had a burrito and kohlrabi and cucumbers.  He doesn't like kohlrabi though he decided - the kids love it so no biggie not to waste it on him.

After school snack: string cheese - and Dai ate a pint of CSA cherry tomatoes

Dinner: Burritos using taco beans and canned pears for dessert.  My home teacher's wife canned them and so he gave us a jar.  

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