Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 36, Day 7

breakfast: rice cereal from leftover brown rice for Dai and Cress, Jason and I had eggs and tomatoes and pepper and oatmeal for Phyllis (because she was dragging her feet when Jason was doing eggs.)

Lunch: Chicken salad and crackers.  I didn't have celery so I put in onions and diced kohlrabi along with mandarin oranges.  Each girl had kohlrabi and apples.  Phyllis had carrot coins with Italian dressing.  Dai had cherry tomatoes.  Cress had a beet.  Jason had a chicken salad sandwich, too.  I ate a bagel with cream cheese, tomatoes and capers and then a bowl of Ramen.  And I could tell it wasn't healthy - my body was suffering for it.

Dinner: Cheaty pasta with the rest of the CSA summer squash and shell noodles.  Lane was amused by the name.  I explained it is because it is cheating - not really cooking from scratch but he said that was how he cooked.  For a bachelor that seems fine, but for a family, I feel better when I feed them less processed, more home cooked meals.  

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