Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 38, Day 4

Breakfast: Jason, Cressida and Phyllis had breakfast burritos.  Dai and I had egg sandwiches on croissants (courtesy of the church bread pick up.)  Gillian McWilliams stayed the night but she doesn't like eggs, so she had microwaved oatmeal.

Lunch: I made chicken salad sandwiches.  I made it the normal way I do.  Lane really likes it.  We ate all of it which is unusual, but we had everyone plus Gillian and Lane.  We used up the last of the store bought wheat bread and started into the homemade wheat bread.

Dinner:  Baked ziti and salad and toasted sourdough and blueberry iced-tea.  Dai made the salad.  Phyllis made the balsamic.  Steve Arnold, our neighbor, had a friends whose wife died and he gave Steve most of his seasonings.  Steve then gave them to us and it included three dressing packets - two Italian and one balsamic.  Both were well received - it was Good Season brand.  So that seems to be a good brand.

Prep Ahead: Split pea soup.  I am trying a slow cooker recipe and Dai did most of it.  I diced the carrots, onions, celery and ham.  I also showed her how to use the fish timer to set it cooking overnight without having to worry that it will cook too long.  Crockpot cooking is a good skill to learn.  Also, I let her read the recipe herself and kind of direct the process.  She gathered all of her supplies first.  She even found the half onion in the fridge rather than cutting a new one - even I have messed that up sometimes and used a new one when a partial was in the fridge.

Cressida also made the cinnamon sugar mix.  When I was a kid we just used them separately and I remember seeing the mix in the store and thinking that was a waste of funds.  But it is a time saver and neater, so I have a large-ish spice container that has our personal recipe on it.  It is the amount that fits in the specific container.  It was hard for Cress and we had some spilled sugar but the difficulty was in pouring not in following the directions.  I love that they are learning many aspects of cooking and maintaining a kitchen.  

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