Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week 37, Day 4

breakfast: breakfast burritos

Lunch: I had a beet wrap.  Dai and Cress had a tomato sandwich.  Phyllis was at Happy Hollows with her friend, Gilly, and Jason had two bowls of salad.  Thursday I had signed up to make salad for the shelter as part of the RS team.  I could not recall what the drop off time was, so called the lady in charge and she informed me that the other salad lady had done two shares.  Well, Jason had already bought two bags of basic salad (iceburg lettuce, shredded purple cabbage and shredded carrot) and a bag of baby kale.  That was thoughtful of him to make it that much more interesting because our taste is like that.  Then I learned that we didn;'t need ut and said that he could return it but he didn';t want to, so bag of salad started yesterday and today we wipe out one big bag, ex cept maybe a bowl's worth.  They are the big ones, too.  It isn;t the most delviious salad but it is easy.

Dinner: potatoes done in the microwave with topping choices of shredded cheese, sour cream, butter and salt and pepper and a bowl of salad for each.  Cress and Dai did no dressing - my funny kids.

Prep ahead: gringa beans and hambiurger buns.  Jason did the buns.  He made dough in the bread makwer though,  

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