Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 39, Day 7

Breakfast: bagels and cream cheese and canned apricots

Lunch: the girls had ham and lettuce sandwiches.  Now they also all like mustard, so that is nice - it used to be that one, I think Phyllis?, didn't.  Cress had half a CSA sweet pepper, a CSA apple and pickles.  Dai had celery with peanut butter for dipping, half a CSA sweet pepper and a CSA apple. Phyllis had pickles, carrots and a CSA apple and the leftovers from last night.  Jason to a PBJ and carrot sticks - three carrots worth (his usual) and two CSA apples.

After school snack: bananas and corn dogs

Dinner: a crock pot pot roast.  Usually I do a simpler one on the stove top but because I couldn't be home to babysit it I tried this.  The meat was great - although not the cut I had been expecting but the gravy had a little much seasoning for my taste - so that you couldn't really enjoy the carrot flavor, for example.

Prep ahead: I made gringa beans.  Dai was typing when it started and she said, 'I love that smell."  I asked if she knew what it was and she did not.  I don't think of her as particularly loving bean burritos, but I guess the smell is still comforting and familiar.  She doesn't hate burritos, she just does not love them.  I had used up our wheat bread from the freezer so I am starting more of that, too. The yeast didn't seem to activate as  fully but it came out fine.

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