Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What Food Says About You

I am a yard duty at San Martin Gwinn, the school Cressida attends.  I started to help offset gas and because I couldn't stand driving there and back so often just stayed at the school volunteering on my carpool day.

We had some people who were there the first year (of which was about a month left when I started) who have quit.  But three were there then and are still - Toni, Melinda and Sue.  I liked Sue almost right off.  Toni and I took some time to warm up and Melinda is pleasant but our schedules rarely cross.  The next year two others started that are still there - Irene and Teresa.  We have a couple new hires this year, but we shall see.

Anyway, one lady, Sue has made comments several times when I get to go food with the others.  Toni used to always get lunch but now she is on a really strict diet and doesn't - which means actually everyone eats less of the fast food.  Interesting, huh?  But if she was driving, she'd take orders, or we'd go along with her for the company.

I always felt odd when she made those remarks.  It was something to the effect of, "What?! You always eat so healthy!"  It is one of the conundrums.  I do eat pretty healthy - though not exclusively.  I have an unhealthy sweet tooth and a soft spot for Dr. Pepper.  But, I do consciously try to feed my family healthy food and cook nutritious meals and have leftovers for Jason and sometimes me to take to lunch.  But, I am still overweight.  Therein is the rub, right?  It isn't just healthy - it is portion control and activity.  I think of that because I had New England Boiled dinner today.  Pretty healthy since I had only a small amount of meat and a large piece of cabbage - but I also had butter on potatoes and carrots.  Those two aren't the most healthy vegetables out there anyway and I had quite a bit of those.

It just struck me today.  It isn't that I am trying to put forth a specific image with my food, but apparently I do.  I have never made a huge deal of my lunch - except when I have something yummy that I want to share - which has only happened once or twice.  And that image is partially correct - it is certainly my ideal and we strive to eat healthily in my family.  But not all correct because I do not always eat ideally.  Which, if a woman who only sees me eat a few days a week thinks I am eating healthy, then what about my kids who eat with me almost every day, twice a day or mote?

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